'De Paula Lopes' name
Museum Ridder Smidt van Gelder
Lord of Ampel
Rich Aunt
Napoleon Buonaparte
Resident / Crown jewels
Mayors & Bailiffs
Benjamin Franklin
Corpo de Malta
Russian Orthodox Church
Parentum Infidelium
Gnosticism & Pantheism
Raadpensionaris Johan de Witt
Sint Sebastiaansschutterij
Palace Honsholredijck
State Portrait
Famous Poet
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Governor of the Residence
Governor of Pernambuco
Brazilian culture
Império Brazil
Republic of Brazil
Pieter Post
Casa Príncipe Maurício
Opening a grave
Banking matters
1929 Crash
Soldaat van Oranje
Operation Market Garden
Unknown (wartime)marriage
Preventing of a kidnapping
Task for the Probandus
Bankzaken / Banking matters

Bankzaken / Banking matters

De overgrootvader van de Probandus had een aanzienlijk vermogen opgebouwd. Zoals het in die dagen gewoon was, werden de kinderen naar Europa gestuurd om te studeren. In die dagen was er geen sprake van geldverkeer zoals wij dat heden ten dage kennen. In 1909 werd de grootvader van de Probandus naar Hastings in Engeland gestuurd met een grote zak met gouden munten.

The great grandfather of the Probandus had acquired a considerable wealth. Such as was the custom of the day, children were sent to Europe to study. In those days there were no means of making bank deposits over a large distance. One had to carry the cash with them. In 1909, the grandfather of the Probandus was sent to Hastings in England.
On my eleventh birthday I was told that I was being sent to school in England. Many of my fathers friends were English and so it was natural that I would set my goal for England. The Captain of the ship was very solicitous of my wellfare as I didn´t spreak English. When he discovered that my father had given me a Chamois bag full of English Sovereigns which I kept in my foot locker at the end of my bed, he took them away for safe keeping and returned them at the end of the trip (a two weeks journey).

Edward VII (Londen, 9 november 1841 – aldaar, 6 mei 1910) was koning van het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Ierland en keizer van India vanaf 22 januari 1901 tot zijn dood op 6 mei 1910. Hij was de eerste vorst uit het huis Saksen-Coburg en Gotha die over het Verenigd Koninkrijk regeerde. 1909 Gold Sovereigns - Edward VII
As sovereigns remained in circulation as pound coins until the first world war, most Edward sovereigns are quite worn.

Later zou hij nog steeds twee van die 'Sovereign' munten hebben behouden, waarvan hij een ring heeft laten maken. Deze ring werd nog steeds gedragen door zijn dochter toen de Probandus haar ontmoette.

As is happened he would keep two of those Sovereign coins, which he had made into a ring. This ring was on the finger of aunt Carla de Paula Lopes when the Probandus met her.