| Inquisition |
Member Inquisition ór 'cristãos-novos'?
Cristãos-Novos? De reden waarom men geloofde dat de voorvaderen van probandus Marnix Alexander de Paula Lopes uiteindelijk cristãos-novos konden zijn is dat beide grootvaders van Joaquim de Paula Lopes; Luís Lopes dos Santos en José de Sousa uit regio's kwamen met grote gemeenschappen van bekeerde Joden.
Cristãos-novos? The reason why it was believed that the ancestors of the probandus Marnix Alexander de Paula Lopes could eventually be cristãos-novos is that both grandfathers of Joaquim de Paula Lopes; Luís Lopes dos Santos and José de Sousa came from regions with big communities of converted Jews.
Perseguição da Inquisição Alguns cristãos-novos, porém, permaneceram fieis à sua religião original (sendo assim denominados de marranos ou criptojudeus). |
Een andere noviteit is dat de probandus nu in Nederland woonachtig is waar heel wat afstammelingen van cristãos-novos leven die van Portugal zijn gevlucht. Veel mensen nemen aan dat dit ook het geval is voor de familie ‘de Paula Lopes' en vaak zal men iemand horen zeggen dat de familie van Joodse afdaling is! De 'de Paula Lopes' familie is echter pas in de 20ste eeuw naar Nederland gekomen.
A nother novelty is that the probandus now lives in The Netherlands where a lot of Cristãos-novos fled to from Portugal. Many people asume that this is the case with the 'de Paula Lopes' family and often one will hear someone say that the family is of Jewish descent! The 'de Paula Lopes' family though only settled in The Netherlands in the 20th century.
Synagoge in Amsterdam |
Vervolging door de Inquisitie Sommige nieuwe christenen, bleef echter trouw aan zijn oorspronkelijke religie (de zogenaamde marranos of criptojudeus) en bedachten manieren om hun religieuze overtuiging te verbergen. In 1536 beval João III de installatie van de Inquisitie in Portugal, feitelijk werd hiermee onderscheid gemaakt tussen nieuwe christenen en ‘echte’ christenen. Velen zouden uiteindelijk uit Portugal vluchten.
Prosecution by the Inquisition Some new Christians, however remained faithful to their original religion (the so-called marranos or criptojudeus) and considered ways to hide their religious conviction. In 1536 João III ordered the installation of the Inquisition in Portugal, thus giving actual distinction between new Christians and ‘real Christians’. Eventually many would (have to) escape from Portugal. |
Verrassend feit / Surprising fact
Luís Lopes dos Santos, de oudgrootouder van de Probandus Marnix Alexander de Paula Lopes, was een ‘Familiar do Santo Officio’ (d.w.z. een lid van de Heilige Inquisitie van Lissabon!).
Luís Lopes dos Santos, the great great grandfather of the Probandus Marnix Alexander de Paula Lopes, was a Familiar do Santo Officio (i.e. a member of the Holy Inquisition of Lisbon!)
Domingo de Guzman, beter bekend als de Heilige Dominicus, sticht in 1215 de orde van de dominicanen of predikheren. Hij is auteur van het monumentale werk Geschiedenis van de Portugese Inquisitie en wordt beschouwd als de oprichter van de Inquisitie en als de eerste inquisiteur. Na haar oprichting richt de Inquisitie in een groot deel van Europa al snel haar rechtbanken in. In Portugal hebben de dominicanen al vroeg vaste voet verkregen, maar er worden pas in 1376 inquisiteurs benoemd en die hebben aanvankelijk geen macht.
Domingo the Guzman, better known as Saint Dominicus, founded the Order of the Dominicans and the Preachlords in 1215. He is author of the monumental work ‘History of the Portuguese Inquisitie’ and is considered the founder of the Inquisition and also it’s first inquisitor. After its establishment the Inquisition saw to it that they founded new courts in a large part of Europe. In Portugal the Dominicans settled early, but it was only until 1376 that inquisitors were appointed and they initially had no power.
Spanje is Portugal voorgegaan met de Inquisitie. In dat land wordt getwijfeld aan de oprechtheid van tot het christendom bekeerde joden, de zogenaamde ‘nieuwe christenen’ [cristãos novos]. Deze twijfels liggen aan de basis van de Spaanse Inquisitie. Op 6 februari 1481 vindt in Andalusië de eerste auto-da-fe (actus fidei) plaats. Nadat de Reyes Católicos 1492 de joden uit Spanje verdreven hebben, richt de Spaanse Inquisitie zich vooral tegen personen met joods bloed.
Spain had preceded Portugal with the Inquisition. In that country there were doubts about the rightchosness of the converted Jews to Christianity, the so-called `new Christians' [cristãos novos]. These doubts lay at the basis of the Spanish Inquisition. On 6 February 1481 the first auto-da-fe (actus fidei) took place in Andalusia. After the Reyes Católicos had dissipated the Jews from Spain, the Spanish Inquisition then aimed itself especially against people with Jewish blood.
Een auto-da-fé (ook bekend als auto da fé en auto de fe) was het ritueel van openbare penitentie van veroordeelde ketters en apostaten die toen de Spaanse Inquisitie of de Portugese Inquisitie hun straf had beslist plaatsvonden, gevolgd door de uitvoering van de opgelegde straf door de burgerlijke autoriteiten. Beide 'auto de fe' in het middeleeuwse Spaans en 'auto da fé' in het Portugees betekenen "geloofshandeling".
An auto-da-fé (also auto da fé and auto de fe) was the ritual of public penance of condemned heretics and apostates that took place when the Spanish Inquisition or the Portuguese Inquisition had decided their punishment, followed by the execution by the civil authorities of the sentences imposed. Both 'auto de fe' in medieval Spanish and 'auto da fé' in Portuguese mean "act of faith". |
Edict Alhambra [verdrijving] 1492
Hieronder treft u aan een copy van het Register van Koninklijk Besluit van de Katholieke Koningen op de verdrijving van Joden [31-03-1492 Granada Spanje]. Het heeft twee, goed gedifferentieerde delen: de eerste, met een toelichting met een religieuze rechtvaardiging van de monarchen, ervan overtuigd dat de eenheid van het geloof bevordert de sociale cohesie en bestuur. Het tweede deel bepaalt het vertrekschema, de verkoop van hun goederen en het verbod om meerdere goederen af te nemen. |
VAN DE VERBANNING VAN DE JODEN UIT SPANJE. Het Edict werd in de week van 29 april 1492 openbaar gemaakt. Het handvest verklaarde dat het joden niet was toegestaan binnen het Spaanse koninkrijk te blijven. Maar de joden die zich wilden bekeren, waren welkom om te blijven. De macht van het rijke Spaanse jodendom had geen gevolgen. Of een Jood nu rijk of arm was, deed er niet toe, ze moesten zich allemaal nog bekeren of vertrekken.
OF THE Expulsion of the Jews IN SPAIN.
The Edict went public during the week of April 29, 1492. The charter declared that no Jews were permitted to remain within the Spanish kingdom. However those Jews who wished to convert were welcome to stay. The power of wealthy Spanish Jewry was inconsequential. Whether a Jew was rich or poor did not matter, they all still had to convert or leave. |
Nota Bene: Zie ook (als Jood) Abraham ben Eliyahu Senneor (als nieuw Christen/Novos Cristianos: Fernando Pérez Coronel ~ Ferran) [Gen. 18 Nr.: 157258 EDELOUDER]. Hij is als voorouder van de Probandus Marnix Alexander de Paula Lopes direct betrokken geweest bij de gevolgen van het Edict van Alhambra.
Note: See also (as a Jew) Abraham ben Eliyahu Senneor (as a New Christian/Novos Cristianos: Fernando Pérez Coronel ~ Ferran) [Gen. 18 No: 157258 NOBLEPARENT]. As ancestor of the Probandus Marnix Alexander de Paula Lopes, he was directly involved in the consequences of the Edict of Alhambra.
In beslagname kostbare goederen 1492
Koning Ferdinand en koningin Isabella van Spanje ondertekenden deze brief op 16 mei 1492 en keurden de inbeslagname van goud en waardevolle goederen van de Moorse joden goed.
De koning en koningin aan Don Juan van Ribera, onze kapitein-generaal van de regio Navarra en onze Raad: Zoals u al weet, hebben we besloten dat alle Moorse Joden die in onze koninkrijken verblijven eind juli hier vandaan moeten vertrekken . Als zomerproblematiek wordt gezegd dat sommigen van hen door Navarra zullen gaan, en voordat ze doorgaan naar andere landen, zou je ons kunnen helpen met onze glorieuze wedergeboorte door te nemen wat ons rechtmatig toekomt - goud, zilver, geld en andere verboden voorwerpen (voor degenen die zich verzetten, kunt u gevaar brengen en letsel toebrengen). We hebben besloten om bepaalde havens aan te wijzen als controlepunten van toegestane voorzieningen en om te voorkomen dat er goud, zilver, geld of soortgelijke schatten doorheen glippen. Ten slotte geven we aan dat u en uw troepen later de mensen door het hele land zullen ondervragen (op een bewaakte manier door gebruik te maken van de Royal Surveillance), om ervoor te zorgen dat de bovengenoemde Joden niet door andere havens gaan met een van de beperkte waardevolle spullen op hun personen. Zorg er tegelijkertijd voor dat onze getrouwe onderdanen die ons dienen, goed worden bewaakt en behandeld en dat er geen schurken of schaden kunnen komen. Uit de stad Granada, 16 mei van het 92e jaar.
Ik de Koning, Ik de Koningin
In opdracht van de koning en de koningin, Fernando Alonso |
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain signed this letter on May 16, 1492 and approved the confiscation of gold and valuables from the Moorish Jews.
The King and Queen to Don Juan of Ribera, our Captain General of the Navarre region and our Council: As you already know, we have decided that all Moorish Jews who reside in our kingdoms should leave here by the end of July. As a summer issue, it is said that some of them will pass through Navarre, and before moving on to other countries, you could help us with our glorious rebirth take what is rightfully ours - gold, silver, money and other prohibited items (for those you can endanger and injure yourself). We have decided to designate certain ports as checkpoints for permitted facilities and to prevent gold, silver, money or similar treasures from slipping through. Finally, we indicate that you and your troops will later interrogate the people across the country (in a guarded manner using the Royal Surveillance), to ensure that the above mentioned Jews do not pass through other ports with any of the the limited valuables on their persons. At the same time, ensure that our faithful subjects who serve us are properly guarded and treated, and that there are no villains or harm. From the city of Granada, May 16 of the 92nd year.
I the King I the Queen
Commissioned by the King and Queen, Fernando Alonso |
De verdrijving van de joden uit Spanje in 1492 heeft in Portugal tot een belangrijke aanwas van de joodse bevolking geleid. Hoewel joden en conversos aanvankelijk door koning Manuel zijn verwelkomd, hebben er vanaf 1497 gedwongen bekeringen plaatsgevonden en in 1506 is er tijdens een pestepidemie in Lissabon een pogrom uitgebroken. De joden zijn niet populair in Portugal en zij krijgen overal de schuld van. De pogrom is op last van koning Manuel beteugeld, en de aanstichters, onder wie twee paters dominicanen, zijn ter dood veroordeeld en vervolgens zijn tolerantiemaatregelen afgekondigd.
The dissipation of the Jews from Spain in 1492 has led to an important growth of the Jewish population in Portugal. Although initially Jews were welcomed by king Manuel I, from 1497 onward they were obliged to converse and in 1506 during a plague epidemic in Lisbon a pogrom broke out. The Jews were not popular in Portugal and they were blamed for everything that was wrong. King Manuel however was able to handle the pogrom, and the instigators, under them the two instigators Dominicans who had been condemned to dead and afterwards tolerance measures declared.
Koning Manuel heeft paus Leo X in 1515 om de instelling van de Inquisitie verzocht, omdat hij, in navolging van de Spaanse kroon, de beschikking wilde hebben over deze rechtbank, als wapen om nog meer macht in handen van de koning te kunnen centraliseren. De Heilige Stoel wijst nu het verzoek af. Portugezen voelen zich verbonden met de Latijnse traditie en zij moeten, net zo min als Spanjaarden en Italianen, veel hebben van, aan de Reformatie inherente, vernietiging van heiligenbeelden en versobering van kerkelijke rituelen. De weinige Portugese intellectuelen die zich aangesproken voelen door de ideeën van de Reformatie, laten het wel uit hun hoofd zich anders voor te doen dan als vrome katholieken. Veel joden zijn uit het land verdreven of gedwongen bekeerd en het aantal cristãos novos daalt voortdurend door snelle integratie of assimilatie met de ‘oude christenen’.
In 1515 King Manuel had requested pope Leo X for the installation of the Inquisition, because he, as with the Spanish crown, wanted to have power over it’s court, as a weapon to be able centralise still more power in the hands of the king. The Holy Chair rejected the request. Portuguese find themselves linked with Latin tradition and they, just as the Spaniards and Italians, didn’t want much of the Reformation inherent, destruction of saint statues and economising of ecclesiastical rituals. The few Portuguese intellectuals who found themselves attracted to the ideas of the Reformation, thought twice before they acted differently than as pious Catholics. Many Jews had been dissipated from the country or forced to convert and the number of ‘cristãos novos’ decreases continuously by fast integration or assimilation with the ‘Old Christens'.
Het leven van de vijftiende koning van Portugal, João III (zoon van Mauel I), viel samen met een belangrijke periode in de Europese geschiedenis. Renaissance, Humanisme en Reformatie volgden elkaar op en de internationale verhoudingen verschoven. João III, die fanatiek en bekrompen is, heeft in 1526 toegestaan dat veel cristãos novos het land verlaten, om naar de Lage Landen te vertrekken.
Life of the fifteenth king of Portugal, João III (son of Mauel I), coincided with an important period in the European history. Renaissance, Humanism and Reformation followed each other on and the international relations moved. João III, who was a fanatic, permitted in 1526 that many ‘cristãos novos’ may leave the country, to go to The Netherlands. |
In 1531 vraagt João III aan paus Clemens VII opnieuw om instelling van de Inquisitie in zijn koninkrijk. De Heilige Stoel wijst ook nu het verzoek af, wel inziende dat het vooral bedoeld is voor het verkrijgen van de bezittingen van de cristãos novos. Toch wordt 1531 de bul afgekondigd die invoering van de Inquisitie in Portugal mogelijk maakt. De cristãos novos tekenen hiertegen verzet aan bij de paus, die de bul intrekt en een generaal pardon voor alle cristãos novos afgekondigt. In juni 1532 verbiedt João III hen Portugal te verlaten en scheepskapiteins is opgedragen geen goud of kostbaarheden van hen te vervoeren en de koning blijft zich inspannen voor de instelling van de Inquisitie. Gedurende vele jaren is er sprake van diplomatieke manoeuvres en intriges.
De Heilige Stoel weigert Portugal krachtig een rechtbank van de Inquisitie te geven en de joden bewerken op de achtergrond beide partijen met steekpenningen om de instelling van de Inquisitie te voorkomen, of op zijn minst uit te stellen. Karel V intervenieert in de zaak ten gunste van zijn zwager, de koning van Portugal. De Inquisitie wordt uiteindelijk door João III van Rome gekocht, hoewel paus Paulus III nog in oktober 1535 het generale pardon van zijn voorganger vernieuwt, vaardigt hij op 23 mei 1536, op verzoek van João III, een breve uit waardoor de Inquisitie in Portugal een feit wordt. De instelling gaat echter gepaard met grote beperkingen op de vrijheid van handelen van de rechtbank. Ofschoon het een publiek geheim is dat João’s verzoek gericht is tegen de cristãos novos, is het de bescheiden opkomst van het protestantisme in Portugal én een pauswisseling die tot de instelling hebben geleid. |
Papa Clemens VII / Paus Clemens VII |
In 1531 João III asked Pope Clemens VII again for installation of the Inquisition in his Kingdom. The Holy Chair once again rejected the request, realising that it is especially intended for obtaining the property of the ‘cristãos novos’. However in 1531 there came a declaration which made the installation of the Inquisition in Portugal possible. The ‘cristãos novos’ resisted and complained to the pope, who withdrew the declaration and gave an amnesty for all ‘cristãos novos’. In June 1532 João III prohibited them to leave Portugal and captains of ships had been dictated not to transport any gold or other costly goods and the king continued to strain himself for the installation of the Inquisition. During a lot of years there was talk of diplomatic dealings and plots.
The Holy Chair strongly refuses to give Portugal a court belonging to the Inquisition and the Jews negotiate with both parties using bribes to prevent, or at least to postpone the installation of the Inquisition. Charles V intervenes in the matter in favour of his brother-in-law, the king of Portugal. The Inquisitie is eventually bought from Rome by João III, although pope Paulus III had renewed the amnesty of his predecessor in October 1535, on 23 May 1536 he issues, at the request of João III, a breve which resulted in the fact that the installation of Inquisitie in Portugal became a fact. However the installation came with large restrictions on the freedom of actions of the court. Although it was a public secret that João’s request aimed against the ‘cristãos novos’, it is the modest rise of the Protestantism in Portugal and a pope rotation which was the basis for the installation. |
Papa Paulo III / Paus Paulus III |
Uiteindelijk worden de beperkingen door paus Paulus III opgeheven. Het Heilig Officie in Portugal krijgt volledige rechtsmacht en de koning volledige zeggenschap over dit tribunaal. 16 juli 1547 wordt dit bekrachtigd middels een Bula do papa Paulo III "Meditatio cordis". Voorwaarde was dat gedurende een jaar eenieder die Portugal wilde verlaten, daartoe de kans kreeg zonder te worden vervolgd (net als eerder het geval was in 1526).
Eventually the restrictions by pope Paulus III were stopped. The Holy Office in Portugal got complete jurisdiction and the king got complete control concerning this tribunal. 16 July 1547 this is ratified by means of ‘Bula do pa Paulo III " Meditatio cordis"’. Condition was that everyone who wished to leave Portugal would get the chance to do so without being prosecuted (just as was the case 1526). |
Bula do papa Paulo III "Meditatio cordis" de 16 de Julho de 1547 que estabelece a Inquisição em Portugal |
Het eerste Portugese auto-da-fe (actus fidei) vindt in 1540 in Lissabon plaats [waar Luis Lopes dos Sanctos woonachtig is en zijn eigen lidmaatschap voor de Heilige Inquisitie heeft ingediend]. In Coimbra [waar Luis Lopes dos Sanctos vandaan komt] functioneert het tribunaal pas vanaf 1567. De Heilige Stoel is weinig enthousiast over het functioneren van de Inquisitie in Portugal.
In Portugal is de inquisiteur-generaal weliswaar afgevaardigd door de paus, maar hij is onafhankelijk en kan excommunicaties uitspreken die in principe zijn voorbehouden aan de Heilige Stoel. |
The first auto-da-fe (actus fidei) in Prtugal took place in 1540 in Lisbon [where Luis Lopes dos Sanctos was a resident and where he submitted his own membership for the Holy Inquisition]. In Coimbra [where Luis Lopes dos Sanctos came from] the tribunal would start from 1567. The Holy Chair is not enthusiastic about how the Inquisition functions in Portugal.
The inquisitor-general in Portugal would indeed be delegated by the pope, but he was independent and could pronounce excommunications which in principle were reserved for the Holy Chair. |
De Inquisitie gaat functioneren in zes Portugese steden: Lissabon, Coimbra, Évora, Porto, Lamego en Tomar. De Inquisitie is een zeer gecompliceerd instituut, met ideologische, economische en sociale doelstellingen, die zowel gewetensvol, als gewetenloos worden nagestreefd. Haar werkterrein, gestrengheid en samenhang veranderen in de loop der tijd aanzienlijk. Het Heilig Officie van de Inquisitie is natuurlijk bovenal een religieuze instelling, waarvan het doel en de procedure als heilig worden beschouwd.
Het dient te waken voor de zuiverheid van het katholieke geloof en onderzoeken in te stellen naar ketterij, verzaking van het geloof en het uitvoeren van joodse, mohammedaanse, Lutheraanse of magische riten. Als rechtbank die zich ook bekommert om de seksuele moraal, bestrijdt zij ook afwijkingen als bigamie, sodomie en bestialiteit. Deze misdaden komen in een klein land als Portugal te weinig voor om de macht, de autonomie en het optreden van de Inquisitie te rechtvaardigen en omdat er nauwelijks protestanten en joden zijn, dient de Inquisitie in Portugal een permanent doel te vinden om haar eigen bestaan te rechtvaardigen. Zij vindt dat in de cristãos novos, die er collectief van verdacht worden in het geheim joodse gebruiken in ere te houden.
Eventually the Portuguese Inquisition functioned in six Portuguese cities: Lisbon, Coimbra, Évora, Porto, Lamego and Tomar. The Inquisition was a very complicated institute, with ideological, economic and social objectives, which both conscientiously and unscrupulously were pursued. In the course of time her work area, rigor and consistency changed considerably. The Holy Office of Inquisition was of course above all a religious institution, of which the aim and the procedure were considered as holy. It had to watch out for the purity of the catholic belief and examine heresy, renouncement of the belief and the implementation of Jewish, Moslem, Lutheran or magical rites. As a court which also worried itself about sexual morality, she also fought deviations such as bigamy, sodomy and bestiality. These crimes did not occur often in such a small country as Portugal to justify the autonomy of the Inquisition and because there were hardly any Protestants and Jews, the Inquisition in Portugal had to find a permanent coal to justify its own existence. She found that in the ‘cristãos novos’, who were collectively suspected to secretly upheld Jewish rites.
Weldegelijk / Most certain also Christãos Novos
Dr. Duarte Ximenes de Aragão casa com Isabel Rodrigues da Veiga. Através deste casamento a família Ximenes de Aragão torna-se cristã-nova', pelo menos este ramo.
~ Dr. Duarte Ximenes de Aragão huwt Isabel Rodrigues da Veiga. Door dit huwelijk wordt de familie Ximenes de Aragon nieuwe christenen, althans deze tak.
~ Dr. Duarte Ximenes de Aragão marries Isabel Rodrigues da Veiga. Through this marriage, the Ximenes de Aragon family becomes new Christians, at least this branch.
Met name hun zoons zouden van Paus Sixtus V een verklaring ontvangen dat zij een oud chirstelijke afstamming hadden en dat men niet mocht informeren of onderzoeken naar hun joodse afkomst.
In particular, their sons received a statement by Pope Sixtus V that they had an ancient Christian ancestry and that no inquiries or inquiries about their Jewish origins should be made. |
Fernão Ximenes de Aragão, Doctrina Catholica; verschillende referenties over de zonde en messianisering van Jezus. Het begint met zijn vertegenwoordiging als Pantocrator, oftewel Heer van de Wereld. De inscriptie eronder komt van de afbeelding van Johannes. Het herinnert de lezer eraan dat de waarheid [de komst van de Messias] in de heilige Schrift te vinden is. De twee afbeeldingen aan weerszijden verwijzen naar zonde en de mogelijkheid van vergelding; links Eva biedt Adam de appel aan in de Hof van Eden en rechts de straf van de Hebreeën voor het aanvechten van de wetten van Mozes, wat ook een verwijzing is naar Jezus die anticipeerde op zijn eigen kruisiging. |
Op 15.08.1588 gaf papa Sisto V toe dat hij een korte verklaring had afgelegd over zijn eigen eigendomsverklaring van Ximenes cristãos-velhos, en beloofde dat hij zijn indaging zou innemen over zijn oorspronkelijke judaicas
~ Op 15 augustus 1588 gaf paus Sixtus V, de broer van Rui, die de naam Fernão droeg, hem en zijn broers een kort motu van hun eigen verklaring waarin hij verkondigde dat de familie Ximenes van oud-christelijke afkomst was, en verbood om naar hun joodse afkomst te informeren. |
Fernão Ximenes de Aragão, Doctrina Catholica; several references regarding the sin and messianization of Jesus. It begins with his representation as Pantocrator, in other words, Lord of the World. The inscription underneath comes from the image of John. It reminds the reader that the truth [the coming of the Messiah] is found in the holy scripture. The two images on either side refer to sin and the possibility of retribution; left, Eve offering Adam the apple in the Garden of Eden & right, the punishment of the Hebrews for challenging the laws of Moses, which is also a reference to Jesus anticipating his own crucifixion. |
Em 15.08.1588 o papa Sisto V concedeu-lhe e aos seus irmão breve de motú próprio declarando os Ximenes cristãos-velhos, e proibindo que se indagassem sobre suas origens judaicas
~ On 15.08.1588 Pope Sixtus V the brother of Rui, who bore the name Fernão, gave him and his brothers a short motu of their own declaration proclaiming that the Ximenes family was of ancient Christian origin, and forbidding to inquire about their Jewish origins. |
De procesgang / The process
De arrestatie van een verdachte is bijna altijd het gevolg van aanklachten, spontaan (kwaadwillige buren zijn al voldoende) of door een visitatie van de inquisiteurs uitgelokt. Zij hebben een edict van genade uitgevaardigd dat de bevolking, op straffe van excommunicatie, drie dagen de tijd geeft zichzelf of een ander te beschuldigen. De promotor fiscal (officier van justitie) schrijft op basis van de aanklacht(en) zijn petitio, zijnde een verzoek tot arrestatie met sekwestratie. De beschuldigde wordt op straat, of thuis gearresteerd door twee alguacils (bewakers) enige familiares (meestal lieden van adel die dit ereambt uitoefenen), de gerechtsontvanger en de notaris van sekwestratie, want een arrestatie gaat altijd gepaard met confiscatie van de bezittingen van de gearresteerde, waardoor zijn gezin vaak direct tot de bedelstaf wordt veroordeeld.
The arrest of a suspect was almost always the consequence of charges made, spontaneously (sufficient were malicious neighbours) or by a provoked visitation of the inquisitors. They issued an edict of mercy that dictated the population, under penalty of excommunication (who were given three days) to accuse themselves or another person. The fiscal promoter (public prosecutor) wrote on the basis of the charge(s) his petition; being a request to arrest with sequestration. The accused was arrested on the street, or at home by two alguacils (keepers), some familiares (generally folks of nobility who exercised this honorary office), the Court recipient and the notary of sequestration, because an arrest always was accompanied by confiscation of the property of the person arrested. As a result his family was frequently condemned to poverty.
De veronderstelde ketter, of de van judaïsme verdachte cristão novo en in de 18e eeuw vooral de van vrijmetselarij be-schuldigde, worden opgesloten in een cárcere secreto (geheime gevangenis). Niemand, ook zijn naaste familie niet, verneemt ook maar iets van het lot van de gearresteerde; het heeft er de schijn van dat hij door de aarde is verzwolgen. Kenmerkend is dat hij niet te horen krijgt wie hem waarvan hebben beschuldigd. De ondervragingen door een inquisiteur gaan niet gepaard met het uiten van beschuldigingen, die moeten worden toegegeven, maar de gearresteerde wordt, na ieder verhoor aangeraden zijn geweten te onderzoeken en te ontlasten. Als het vermoeden bestaat dat hij iets achterhoudt, wordt hij met foltering bedreigd en soms ook daadwerkelijk gefolterd.
An assumed heretic, or the accused ‘cristão novo’ who were suspected of Judaism and in the 18th century especially the freemasonry, were especially locked up in a cárcere secreto (secret prison). Nobody, also the next of kin, learned about the destiny of the arrested; it was as if they disappeared of the face of the earth! Characterising is that they did not hear whom they were accused by. The interrogations by an inquisitor were not accompanied by expressing charges (which must be admitted) but the person arrested was advised to examine their conscience and relieve themselves of it. If suspecting that they held back something, they were threatened with torture and were sometimes also effectively tortured.
In Portugal kent het Heilig Officie drie soorten foltering: De pijnbank (potrô), waarbij het slachtoffer touwen om de armen, onderbenen en dijen worden gebonden, die met een staaf vijf slagen worden aangedraaid. De waterproef (toca; een uitdrukking die refereert naar een dun stukje doek dat over de mond van het slachtoffer werd geplaatst) en de katrol (polé), of palei, hierbij wordt het slachtoffer opgehangen aan zijn op de rug gebonden armen, terwijl zijn benen met ketenen of gewichten zijn verzwaard, gevolgd door het plotseling naar beneden laten vallen.
In Portugal the Holy Office knew three types of torture: The rack (potrô), where the victim was bound with rope to his lower extremeties and thighs, which were tightened with a bar. The water test (toca; an expression which refers to a thin piece of cloth that was placed over the mouth of the victim was placed) and the pulley (polé), or palei; the victim is hung by his arms which are bound to his back, meanwhile his legs were aggravated with chains or weights, followed by suddenly causing him to fall. |
De pijnbank (potrô) |
De waterproef (tormenta de toca) |
de katrol (polé) |
Na verscheidene verhoren, al dan niet gepaard gaande met bekentenissen, spreekt de fiscal zijn requisitoir uit, in stereotiepe strenge en harde bewoordingen, zonder plaats en dag van de delicten te noemen en zonder dat de namen van de getuigen worden prijsgegeven. De Inquistie in Portugal schafte deze geheimhouding in 1774 pas af! Zij was tegenstrijdig met het goddelijke en het natuurrecht. Als het vonnis is goedgekeurd door een commissie, de Consulta da fe, wordt dit niet aan de betrokkene medegedeeld, waardoor deze niet in beroep kan gaan bij de Suprema, die trouwens vrijwel nooit de vonnissen van lagere rechtbanken van het Heilig Officie vernietigt.
After several interrogations, with or without confessions, the fiscal pronounced his indictment (in stereotype strict and hard formulation) without calling the place and day of the offences and the names of the witnesses. The Inquisition in Portugal only abolished this confidentiality in 1774! It was contradictory with the divine and the laws of nature. If the sentence had been approved by a commission, the Consulta da fe, the person concerned was not notified, as a result of which he could not appeal at the Suprema, which as a matter of fact hardly never destroyed the judging of lower courts.
Galileo voor de Heilige Inquisitie Een grote meerderheid van filosofen en astronomen waren aanhangers van de geocentristische zienswijze dat de Aarde het centrum van het heelal is. Na 1610, toen Galileo de heliocentrische zienswijze openbaar begon te maken [welke de Zon in het centrum van het heelal plaatste] kreeg hij te maken bet bittere weerstand van sommige filosofen en geestelijken samen. Twee van de laatstgenoemden zouden hem uiteindelijk begin 1615 aan de kaak stellen bij de Romaanse Inquisitie. In Februari 1616, hoewel hij was vrijgesproken van enig inbreuk, veroordeelde de Katholieke Kerk niettemin heliocentrisme als "vals en strijdig met het Schrift"!
Galileao befor the Holy Office A large majority of philosophers and astronomers subscribed to the geocentric view that the Earth is at the centre of the universe. After 1610, when Galileo began publicly supporting the heliocentric view [which placed the Sun at the centre of the universe] he met with bitter opposition from some philosophers and clerics, and two of the latter eventually denounced him to the Roman Inquisition early in 1615. In February 1616, although he had been cleared of any offence, the Catholic Church nevertheless condemned heliocentrism as "false and contrary to Scripture"! |
Habilitações do Santo Ofício
Luís Lopes dos Santos’ Application file for the Holy Inquisition
Letter issued on 27th April 1752
Information on the clean Bloodline of Luís Lopes dos Santos, master decorator 'Mestre Armador de Igrea';
Master Decorator Of Churches [responsible for the conception and execution of the ornamental programs; decorations used to celebrate religious events in churches in Lisbon ~ Forno do Tijolo, freguesia de Nossa Senhora dos Anjos]. The expression used in Portuguese, ‘mestre armador’, is ambiguous as it can mean either a master ship builder or a master decorator. From the reading of his own application file for the Inquisition, it seems Luis Lopes dos Santos was the owner of a store with textile decorations [armações] for churches. It was possible to find the modus operandi of Luis Lopes dos Santos and thus the scope and impact of his work by analysing his ''inventário [628.994 KB]
' [it takes a little while to load] which was made by his widow Caetana Maria da Assunção after his death in 1794.
Luis Lopes dos Santos, single, the son of Luís Lopes dos Santos, from the village of Paços de Baixo, judicial circumscription of Guarda, Bishopric of Coimbra, dweller in this city of Lisbon. |
A.N.T.T, Habilitações do Santo Ofício, Luís Lopes dos Santos, Maço 25, n.º 474 Pack 25, number 44 |
Member of the Holly Office of the Inquisition
Letter issued on 27th April 1752
(fl.1) We gathered information with the Commissioners Joaquim da Cunha Magalhães, Miguel Mendes and Félix Henriques Vieira about the purity of Blood and more requirements of Luís Lopes dos Santos, who wants to become a Member of the Holly Office of the Inquisition, as stated in the attached petition, that your Lordship ordered to be gathered. And they told us that the applicant by himself, his parents and grandparents is a legitimate and entire old-Christian, of pure blood and generation, without fame or rumours otherwise, that he is single, of good behavior, life and lifestyle, able to be charged with business of importance and secrecy, he knows how to read and write, he lives decently and it is not known that he has any illegitimate children, nor that he, or any of his ancestors may someday have incurred in public infamy or any other serious crime. And it seems to us that he is in condition to the have his requirement deferred by your Lordship, who will do as you think best. Lisbon, in Table 23rd December 1751. Simão José Silveira Lobo Manuel Varejão e Távora Luís Barata de Lima (fl. 2) Says Luís Lopes dos Santos, master decorator, dweller in the Square of Nossa Senhora da Saúde, parish of Socorro, born in the village of Paços da Serra, judicial circumscription of Guarda, Bishopric of Coimbra, that the applicant wishes to serve the Holly Office of the Inquisition as a Familiar, for which he has the necessary requirements. He asks Your Majesty be served admitting him to that position. The applicant declares he is single, and the son of Luís Lopes dos Santos and Maria Gonçalves, dwellers in the village of Paços de Baixo. The paternal grandson of Manuel Lopes, who was a farmer, born and dweller in the village of Paços de Baixo, and of Luísa Rodrigues, single, from Rua das Povoações in the Hills of Caramulo, county of Besteiros. The maternal grandson of Manuel Rodrigues Boino, from the village of Tázem, parish of Our Lady of the Casal, and of Maria Gonçalves, from the village of Arcozelo, on the outskirts of the town of Gouveia, who were dwellers in the afore mentioned village of Paços da Serra, judicial circumscription of Guarda, Bishopric of Coimbra. (fl. 3) Absence of guilty sentences in the Inquisition of Lisbon – Declaration signed by Alexandre Henriques Arnaut, notary of the Inquisition.
Absence of guilty sentences in the Inquisition of Lisbon – Declaration signed by Alexandre Henriques Arnaut, notary of the Inquisition.
Afwezigheid van veroordelingen bij de inquisitie van Lissabon - Verklaring ondertekend door Alexandre Henriques Arnaut, notaris van de Inquisitie. |
fl. 4) Absence of guilty sentences in the Inquisition of Évora. – Declaration signed by Gaspar Aranha Vidigal, notary of the Inquisition. (fl. 5) Absence of guilty sentences in the Inquisition of Coimbra – Declaration signed by João Maurício Xavier Baptista, notary of the Inquisition. (fl. 6) Information to be gathered related to the personal capacity of Luís Lopes dos Santos (fl. 6r) I did the diligence that Your Lordships have been served to commit me with, for what I tried to inform myself with the people named below and I found that Luís Lopes dos Santos is a master decorator, born in the village of Paços de Baixo, judicial circumscription of Guarda, Bishopric of Coimbra and a dweller in this city of Lisbon, at the Mouraria Square, parish of Our Lady of Socorro; and the people with whom I informed myself say that the applicant is of good behavior, life and lifestyle, capable of being charged with business of importance and secrecy, he lives decently of the good fortune he has in his store of master builder and that he has eight to nine thousand cruzados, he knows how to read and write and he appears to be 30 years old, approximately, he is single and it is not know that he has any illegitimate child, nor that he or any of his ancestors were arrested or sentenced by the Holly Office of the Inquisition, nor (fl. 7) nor that they have incurred in any infamy. This is what I found. Your Lordships will order as you are served. May God our Lord save your Lordships for many and extended years. Lisbon, 6th November 1751. Reverent subject of Your Lordships, Commissioner Félix Henriques Vieira Spent half a day on this diligence People I informed myself with: Father Manuel Rodrigues Tinoco, chaplain of Our Lady of Saúde, he is from his hometown and has vast knowledge of his parents. Miguel Rodrigues, master corset-maker, Member of the Holly Office of the Inquisition João Baptista Correia, master corset-maker Pedro Dias de Azevedo, master corset-maker José Luís Marmeleiro, surgeon. All from Mouraria Square, in front of Our Lady of Saúde. (fl. 8) Luís Lopes dos Santos, his parents and paternal and maternal grandparents Village of Paços de Baixo, judicial circumscription of Guarda, Bishopric of Coimbra, and the parishes declared below. Information to be gathered about the purity of Blood of the applicant and his ancestors. (fl. 9) (…) for all them uniformly I found he was a legitimate and entire old-Christian, pure and of pure blood and generation, without race nor descendants of any infected nation, for his parents as well as for his paternal grandparents and maternal grandparents, except his maternal grandmother, say paternal, Luísa Rodrigues, from the village of Rua where I did not go as I said before; and that they are all born and dwellers where it is said and that they all lived of some goods and more of their industry and work, but they did never serve any infamous posts and do not descend from anyone who did; and I also found that the maternal grandfather that in this extra judicial is said to be Manuel Rodrigues Boino is a mistake, as they did not say so, but that he was José Fernandes Boino (…). (fl. 10) Luís Lopes dos Santos, his maternal grandmother Village of Rua das Povoações, in the Hills of Caramulo, county of Besteiros Information to collect about the purity of Blood of his maternal grandmother (fl. 10r) (…) I found that the maternal grandmother of the applicant Luísa Rodrigues, was the daughter of Maria Rodrigues, single, born and dweller in the place of Sanfins, next to the village of Rua, everything in the parish of Alcofra, county of Lafões of the same Bishopric of Viseu; and the aforesaid Maria Rodrigues was nicknamed a Mula (the Mule), and had the aforesaid daughter Luísa Rodrigues with Father Francisco Gouveia, Vicar that was of the parish of Alcofra, where he died, and that he was born in Paços, close to the Serra da Estrela; e that after the Vicar Francisco de Gouveia died, his sister took Luísa Rodrigues, maternal granddaughter of the applicant, being little, to his birthplace of Paços da Serra da Estrela and I found that the aforesaid Luísa Rodrigues, by his mother Maria Rodrigues, nicknamed a Mula, was and always had been taken and generally reputed for legitimate and entirely old-Christian, without any race nor descendants of any infected nation of the reproved in Law against our Holly Catholic Faith and that never her ancestors were arrested nor sentenced by the Holly Office, nor concurred in any public infamy nor vile sentence of fact or law, and do not descend from anyone who did. The witnesses with whom I informed myself were the following Manuel Rodrigues, of the village of Cimo de Vila Manuel João, say Marcos João, born and dweller in that same village of Cimo de Vila Domingas, born and dweller in Coval Maria João, widow of Captain Manuel Fernandes, also from Coval Bernardo Marques, widower, born and dweller in Cabo de Vila Amaro Simões, married, from Torres Manuel João, widower, born and dweller in São Fins Miguel João, single, son of the late Domingos Simões, born and dweller in São Fins Father Manuel Marques, Cura of Alcofra (fl. 11v.º) Eliseu de Madureira, born and dweller in Cabo de Vila All the aforesaid born and dwellers in the parish of Alcofra, county of Lafões, Bishopric of Viseu (...). The Commissioner Manuel Mendes (fl. 12) Term of information, election and swearing Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the era of one thousand seven hundred and fifty two years, on the twenty and eight days of the month of February of the said year, in this village of Paços, in the houses of the residence of the Reverend Licenciado Estêvão Paes de Almeida, Rector of the College of Santa Maria of Alcáçova in the town of Monto Modorelho (sic) (…) (fl. 13) Luís Lopes dos Santos, his parents and paternal and maternal grandparents Village of Paços de Baixo, judicial circumscription of Guarda, of Tázem and Arcozelo Information to collect about the purity of Blood of the applicant and his ancestors. List of questions to ask the witnesses. (fl. 17) Term of registry 28th February 1752 – Paços 1st witnesses – Lourenço Marques, farmer, born and dweller in this village of Paços, notified witness, and sworn under the Gospels where he put his hands and promised to say the truth and to keep secrecy; and of his age he said he was sixty two years old, more or less. (...) To the second he said he knew very well Luís Lopes dos Santos, from the village of Paços where he was raised and dweller in the City of Lisbon to where he went more than twenty years ago and he, the witness had news that he was a ship builder in the aforesaid city, and said nothing else. (fl. 17r) To the third he said he also knew Luís Lopes dos Santos, deceased, who lived of his work of (torn), born in this village of Paços where he always lived with his wife Maria Gonçalves, which the witness believes was born in the parish of Vila Nova do Casal, whom she met when they were still single and the aforesaid Maria Gonçalves living with her uncle Manuel Fernandes, in the outskirts of Eira Velha of this village, where she married the said Luís Lopes, parents of the applicant, and said nothing else. To the forth said he had also known far as he can remember Manuel Lopes, who was a farmer, however he could not remember meeting Luísa Rodrigues, nor did he know where she was from because she came from outside to this village of Paços, where Manuel Lopes was born, parents o the applicant, this he knew for it being public and obvious and because he knew Manuel Lopes, a widower of his second wife and a very old man, and said nothing else. (...) (fl. 18r) 2nd witness – The Reverend Father José Rodrigues Bicho, a Priest of Habit of Saint Peter, born and dweller in the village of Paços, parish of Saint Michael (...) of his age he said he was seventy five years old, more or less. (...) (fl. 19) To the fifth he said he knew very well as a visitor to this place José Fernandes Boino, from the village of Tazém, parish of Vila Nova do Casal and he could not recollect meeting his wife Maria Gonçalves, although he knew and had good information that she was from the village of Arcozelo, in the outskirts of the town of Gouveia. (...) (fl. 20) 3rd witness – Caetano Rodrigues Camelo, worker, born and dweller in this village of Paços (...) of his age he said he was seventy three years old. (...) To the third he said he knew Luís Lopes dos Santos, who lived of his work (...) (...) To the fourth he said he knew very well Manuel Lopes, who lived of farming, born and dweller in this village and that he had information of Luísa Rodrigues, nicknamed a Capucha, that was said to have come from the Bishopric and judicial circumscription of Viseu as a child to this place, where she married the said Manuel Lopes (...) (fl. 21) 4th witness – Manuel Martim Vieira, captain of the ordenança of the town of Seia, born and dweller in this place of Paços (...) of his age he said he was seventy years old, more or less. (fl. 22) 5th witness – Domingos Lopes Ramos, who lives of his work, born and dweller in this place of Paços (...)(fl. 22r) of his age he said he was sixty five years old, more or less. (fl. 23r) 6th witness – The Reverend Father João de Serpe Saraiva, Presbítero of the Habit of Saint Peter, born and dweller in this place of Paços, parish of Saint Michael (...) of his age he said he was sixty eight years old, more or less. (fl. 24) (...) To the fourth he said he had met Manuel Lopes who had been a farmer, born and dweller in this village of Paços and had good information from hearing his parents and his brother the Lieutenant Manuel de Serpe Saraiva, deceased, say that Luísa Rodrigues, being very young had come to this place in the company of an aunt from one of the villages of the Hills of Besteiros to this village of Paços where they warmed an oven that belonged to the parents of the witness, and there Luísa Rodrigues was raised until the time she had a child from the aforesaid Manuel Lopes (...). (fl. 25) 29th February 1752 7th witness – Isabel Nunes, single, the daughter of Manuel Nunes, worker, deceased, born and dweller in this place of Paços (...)of her age she said she was sixty eight years old, more or less. (fl. 26r) 8th witness – Luzia Mendes, widow of João Rodrigues Saraiva, born and dweller in this place of Paços (...)of her age she said she was seventy years old, more or less. (...) To the third she said she had met Luís Lopes dos Santos, born and dweller that he was in this village, who lived of his work and his wife Maria Gonçalves, born in the village of Tázem, parish of Vila Nova do Casal, parents of the applicant and with them she used to deal and talk very often, and said nothing else. To the fourth she said she also met Manuel Lopes Lavrador born in this village (fl. 27) village, who lived of his work, and Luísa Rodrigues, single, who had come to this village being a little girl in the company of an aunt who was said to be from the Hills of Besteiros, circumscription and Bishopric of Viseu and here she had been raised and lived until she died, parents of the aforesaid Luís Lopes dos Santos and paternal grandparents of the applicant, however she did not know which parish she was from, nor the names of her parents, great-grandparents of the applicant, and said nothing else. To the fifth she said she did not know but had news of José Fernandes Boino, born in the village of Tázem, parish of Vila Nova do Casal and of Maria Gonçalves, who was said to be born in the village of Arcozelo and dwellers that were in this place of Paços, parents of the said Maria Gonçalves, however se did not recall dealing with them but she only heard they were poor, the maternal grandparents of the applicant, and said nothing else. (fl. 27r) 9th witness – Mariana Cardosa de Figueiredo, widow of António Pinto Monteiro, born and dweller in this village of Paços (...) of her age she said she was ninety five years old, more or less. (fl. 29) 10th witness – Francisco Nogueira da Costa, who live of his property, born and dweller in this place of Paços (...) of his age he said he was sixty years old, more or less. (fl. 30r) 11th witness – The Reverend Manuel de Gouveia Alves, Presbítero of the Habit of Saint Peter, born and dweller in this place of Paços (...) of his age he said he was fifty two years old, more or less. (fl. 31r) 12th witness – José Marques Seco, worker, born and dweller in this place of Paços (...) of his age he said he was sixty three years old, more or less. (fl. 33) 1st March 1752 – In the village of Tázem, in the Chapel of Saint Sebastian 13th witness – Francisco de Abrantes, farmer, born and dweller in this village of Tázem, notified witness who sworn over the Gospells in which he laid his hands and promissed to say the truth and of his age he said he was seventy years old more or less, and promises to keep secrecy. (fl. 34) 14th witness – The Reverend Father Pedro de Figueiredo, Priest of the Habit of Saint Peter, born and dweller in this village of Tázem, parish of Vila Nova do Casal (...) of his age he said he was fifty eight years old, more or less. (fl. 35) 15th witness – Ana Maria da Natividade, married to José Luís, who lives of his property, born and dweller in the village of Vila Nova do Casal (...) (fl. 35r) of her age she said she was fifty two years old, more or less. (fl. 36) 16th witness – The Reverend António Ferreira Marvão, Presbítero of the Habit of Saint Peter, born and dweller in this village of Vila (fl. 36r) of Vila Nova do Casal (...) of his age he said he was fifty seven years old, more or less.. (fl. 37) 17th witness – Martinho Ferreiro, widower, who lives of his property, born and dweller in this village of Vila Nova do Casal (...) of his age he said he was seventy two years old, more or less. (fl. 38) 18th witness – Maria Nunes, wife of Tomé Pais, who lives of his property, born and dweller in this village of Tázem in this p rish of Vila Nova do Casal (...) of her age she said she was sixty seven years old, more or less. (fl. 38r) (...) To the fifth she said she had also met José Fernandes Boino, born and dweller in this village of Tázem, parish of Vila Nova do Casal, who lived of his work, who was the son of António Fernandes Boino and Domingas Nunes, of the afore said village of Tázem, in this parish of Vila Nova (...) (fl. 39) 19th witness – Maria da Cunha, married to Matias Fernandes, farmer, born and dweller in this village of Tázem of this parish of Vila Nova do Casal (...) of her age she said she was seventy years old, more or less. (fl. 39r) To the fifth she said she had known José Fernandes Boino very well, born in the village of Tázem, being already a widower of a certain Maria Gonçalves, born in the village of Arcozelo, in the outskirts of the town of Gouveia, having two daughters Maria, the mother of the applicant and Mariana, and she used to talk and deal with them very often (...) (fl. 40) 20th witness – Maria de Abrantes Pita, single, born in the village of Moimenta and a dweller in Tázem, parish of Vila Nova do Casal (...) of her age she said she was eighty years old, more or less, and declared she is the daughter of Francisco Fernandes, farmer, born and dwellers (fl. 40r) and dwellers they had been in this village of Tázem, parish of Vila Nova do Casal. (fl. 41) 21st witness – Maria dos Santos, widow of António Ferrão, turner, born and dwe (fl. 41r) and dweller in the village of Tázem, parish of Vila Nova do Casal (...) of her age she said she was eighty five years old, more or less. (fl. 42r) 22nd witness– Luísa Rodrigues, widow of Francisco Fernandes, worker, born and dweller in the village of Tázem (...) of her age she said she was seventy years old, more or less. (fl. 43r) 23rd witness – Maria Martins, widow of Francisco Ferreira, farmer, born and dweller in the village of Tázem (...) of her age she said she was sixty years old, more or less. (fl. 44r) 24th witness – Eufémia João, widow of Pedro Rodrigues, carpenter, born and dwell (fl. 45) and dweller in the village of Tázem (...) of her age she said she was seventy four years old, more or less. (...) To the second she said she did not recollect meeting the applicant, but she knows he and another brother lived in the City of Lisbon, to where they went as small boys and she did not know what they did for a living, and she said nothing else. (...) To the third she said she also did not recollect meeting Luís Lopes dos Santos but she knew Maria Gonçalves very well, parents of the applicant and she knew they were always dwellers in the village of Paços to where the aforesaid had gone being a young girl to live with her uncle Manuel Fernandes Boino and there she had married the father of the applicant , and not what he did for a living (fl. 45r), say and did not know what he did, but only that he lived with his wife in poverty (...) (fl. 47) 3rd March 1752 – Village of Arcozelo in the town of Vila de Gouveia 25th witness – The Reverend Licenciado Matias Rodrigues, Presbítero of the Habit of Saint Peter, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo (...) of his age he said he was sixty seven years old, more or less.. (fl. 48) 26th witness – Tomé Gonçalves, married, who lives of farming his lands, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo (...) of his age he said he was seventy years old, more or less. (fl. 48r)27th witness – António Rodrigues Velho, widower, who was a farmer, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo (...) (fl. 49) of his a e he said he was sixty years old, more or less. (fl. 49r) 28th witness – Manuel Martins, widower, master barber, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo (...) of his age he said h was eighty years old, more or less. (like the other witnesses, he denies knowing both José Fernandes Boino and his wife Maria Gonçalves) (...) To the fifth he did not know nor had he information of José Fernandes Boino, who is said to be born in the village of Tázem par (fl. 50) parish of Vila Nova do Casal, nor had he any of Maria Gonçalves his wife, born that is said to have been in this village of Arcozelo (...) (fl. 50r) 29th witness – Manuel Gonçalves Passarda, farmer, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo (...) of his age he said he was sixty five years old, more or less. (...) To the fifth he said he did not have any recollection nor information of José Fernandes Boino, who is said to have been born in the village of Tázem, parish of Vila Nova do Casal, however he had had of Maria Gonçalves, who is said to have been born in this village of Arcozelo, outskirts of the town of Gouveia and grandparents (fl. 51) and maternal grandparents of the applicant, and the reason of saying this is that it will be three years next August, being the witness at the house of Father Mateus Borges, of the village of Tázem, parish of Vila Nova do Casal and the Father Pedro de Figueiredo, of that same village of Tázem, there they had dealt and talked about the origins of the aforesaid Maria Gonçalves and that she was born in this village of Arcozelo and she was a relative of António Rodrigues das Alfaiatas, who was a Familiar of the number of this town of Gouveia for the Inquisition of Coimbra (...) (fl. 51r) 30th witness – António Gonçalves, who lives of his property, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo, outskirts of the town of Gouveia (...) of his age he said he was fifty years old, more or less. (...) he could remember that three or four years ago, more or less, reaching his hands of the witness an extract of the aforesaid Maria Gonçalves’ ancestry that from this village (fl. 52) village had gone to the one of Tázem to get married to a certain man called Boino, in order to get information of the purity of the Blood of the said, he witness had shown it to his father António Gonçalve, deceased two years ago with the age of ninety nine years old, and he replied that he had known Maria Gonçalves and that about the purity of her Blood it was wheat without darnel since she was a very close relative of the Licenciado Matias Rodrigues and of António Rodrigues das Alfeatas, now deceased, familiar of the number that was of this village of Arcozelo (...) (fl. 52r) 31st witness – Maria Dias, widow of António Gonçalves, who lived of his properties, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo (...) of her age she said she was seventy four years old, more or less. (fl. 53r) 32nd witness – Isabel Rodrigues de Matias, widow of Miguel Lopes, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo (...) of her age she said she was eighty years old, more or less. (fl. 54r) 33rd witness – Maria Jorge Ramos, widow of Manuel de Oliveira, who was a taylor, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo (...) of her age she said she was eighty years old, more or less. (fl. 55r) 34th witness – Ana Rodrigues das Alfeatas, single, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo (...) of her age she said she was seventy years old, more or less. (fl. 56) (...) To the eight she the witness, also from the Gonçalves family of this village, said that she had a brother called António Rodrigues das Alfeatas, Familiar of the Holly Office (fl. 56r) Office for the Inquisition of Coimbra of the number of this village of Arcozelo and outskirts of the town of Gouveia and because the Reverend Commissioner learnt that she was a relative in the fourth degree with the said Maria Gonçalves, not only the grandmother, but also the mother of the applicant, he did not ask anything else (...) 35th witness – Isabel Dias, widow of António Domingues, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo (...) of her age she said she was seventy five years old, more or less. (fl. 57r) 36ª testemunha – Margarida Saraiva, widow, born and dweller in this village of Arcozelo (...) of her age she said she was ninety years old, more or less. (fl. 60) Village of Rua, parish of Alcofra, county of Lafões De genere enquiries in favour of Luís Lopes dos Santos, by his paternal grandmother Year of the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ of one thousand seven hundred and fifty two: on the twelve March of the aforesaid year in this residence of Saint John the Baptist of Pinho, Bishopric of Viseu, and houses of residence of the Reverend Licenciado Francisco Xavier Cardoso, Abbot of that Church and a Commissioner of the Holly Office (…) Information to collect about the purity of the Blood of the applicant and his ancestors. (fl. 67r) 3rd witness – The Father Manuel Marques, priest of the Habit of Saint Peter and Cura of this parish of Alcofra, born in the village of Espinho and a dweller in the village of Rua, all in this same parish (...) of his age he said he was fifty two years old, more or less. (fl. 68) He did not know Luísa Rodrigues, single, but has been having information from many old people that she was born in the village of Rua in this parish of Alcofra and that she had left it as a young girl to somewhere close to Guarda where she always lived, and she also has the information, which is public, that she was the daughter of Maria Rodrigues, the Mule, also from the village of Rua, whom he knew for more than ten years and also the daughter of a Vicar of this parish, whom he thinks was called Baltazar de Seixas Pinto, o was from the Bishopric of Guarda, to where he retired, taking the aforesaid Luísa Rodrigues, single, with him and for that reason it was presumed with evidence that she was the daughter of the said Vicar, and he does not have any information that Maria Rodrigues may have had another occupation rather than to be a seller, of which she lived and fed herself, and he said nothing else. (fl. 80) (the church records of Alcofra were burnt in a fire that happened in the residence of the said Church)
Information of the Purity of Blood and generation of Caetana Maria da Assunção; in order to get married to the Familiar Luís Lopes dos Santos, master decorator. On 22nd June 1761 a note was issued to the Inquisition of Lisbon informing that these diligences had been approved.
(fl. 1) Most Illustrious Sirs, Said Luís Lopes dos Santos, master decorator and Familiar of the Holly Office of this Inquisition of Lisbon, intends to get married to Caetana Maria da Assunção and in order to be able to do so He asks Your Lordships to allow, if she is of pure Blood and her purity approved by Your Lordships, of who he expects this faculty. And Requires the Mercy He declares that his future wife was born and baptized in the parish of Madalena of this city and lives in the Álamos Street, parish of Santa Justa. Legitimate daughter of Manuel Gomes Lousa, born in the village of Montachique, parish of Saint Peter of Lousa, outskirts of this city, and of his wife Teodora Maria, born in the parish of Madalena, of this city and dwellers in the belt makers’ neighborhood. The paternal granddaughter of Sebastião Gomes, who was a weaver and his wife Antónia Jorge, both from the mentioned village of Montachique, parish of Saint Peter of Lousa. And maternal of João Carvalho, who was a belt maker, the natural son of Father Pedro Álvares, born in the village of Lobaceira of Encarnação, parish of Saint Isidoro and baptized in the parish of Our Lady of the Oliveira, next to Freiria, within the limits of Torres Vedras and of his wife Antónia Maria, born in the parish of Encarnação of this city and dwellers in the belt makers’ neighborhood. (fl. 1r) He declares that Rosa Maria, married to Marcelino de Azevedo, Familiar of the Holly Office, is a daughter of Inês Maria, the sister of his future wife’s maternal grandmother. (fl. 2) Absence of guilty sentences in the Inquisition of Lisboa – Declaration signed by Manuel Francisco Neves, notary of the Inquisition. (fl. 3) Absence of guilty sentences in the Inquisition of Évora – Declaration signed by José Lopes de Mira, notary of the Inquisition. (fl. 4) Absence of guilty sentences in the Inquisition of Coimbra – Declaration signed by João Correia Xavier, notary of the Inquisition. (fl. 5) Declaration of Manuel Francisco Neves, notary of the Inquisition of Lisbom, confirming the fact that Luís Lopes dos Santos was a Familiar of the Holly Office. (fl. 6) Declaration of Manuel Francisco Neves, notary of the Inquisition of Lisbom, confirming the fact that Marcelino de Azevedo, a cutler, single, and the son of António de Azevedo was a Familiar of the Holly Office. (fl. 7r) (...) the grandmother was a sister of Inês Maria, married to Jorge Esteves Bernardes, tinman, and the mother of Rosa Maria, wife of Marcelino de Azevedo, cutler and Familiar of the Holly Office. (fl. 11) 1st witness - Luís Rodrigues Cardoso, Familiar of the Holly Office, master belt maker of the Royal House. (...) to the 3rd he said he met Manuel Gomes Lousa, nicknamed the Head (o Cabeça), belt maker and his wife Teodora Maria, parents of the applicant (fl. 12) and he knows that he was born in the place of the Cabeça de Montachique, parish of Saint Peter of Lousa, in the outskirts of the city of Lisbon; and she was from this city, from the parish of Santa Maria Madalena and then they lived in the Álamos Street, parish of Santa Justa (...) To the 5th he said that he met João Carvalho who was a belt maker and his wife Antónia Maria, parents of Teodora Maria, mother of the applicant and her maternal grandparents and he knows that he was from somewhere close to Torres Vedras, Patriarchate of Lisbon, and she was from the parish of Our Lady of Encarnação of this city where they were dwellers in the belt maker’s neighborhood, parish of Madalena, since the year of 1712, when he the witness came to Lisbon, and they were always his neighbors at the beltmakers’ neighborhood. (fl. 13) 2nd witness – Teresa Maria, widow of Francisco da Silva Teixeira, born in the parish of Santa Catarina de Monte Sinai of this city and a dweller in the one of Santa Isabel, on the Rua Direita of that same parish, of the age she says she is more than eighty years old (...) (fl. 13r) To the fifth she said she knew João Carvalho, who was a belt maker and his wife Antónia Maria, parents of the applicant and maternal grandparents of the same and she does not know where he was born; however the mentioned grandmother was from the parish of Our Lady of Encarnação, of this city; who were dwellers in the belt makers’ neighborhood, where she witness used to go very often, because the said maternal grandmother was a stepdaughter of hers, the daughter of Francisco Rodrigues, who was a sadler and the first husband of hers, the witness, who used to live in the parish of Encarnação and had a saddler’s store underneath the houses of Baltazar Teles Sinel de Cordes; and this is the great grandfather she knew but she does not know who he had married first. (fl. 65) In the parishes of Saint Peter of Lousa, in the outskirts of the city of Lisbon and in the one of Our lady of Oliveira in the village of Sobral and in the one of Saint Dominic of Fanga da Fé, outskirts of the town of Torres Vedras, asked the witnesses in this summary according to the Comission that Your Lordships committed to me, in them we find that the father of the applicant Caetana Maria da Assunção, was Manuel Gomes, her paternal grandparents Sebastião Gomes and Antónia Jorge and her great-grandparents on this side another Sebastião Gomes and João Domingues and Maria Jorge, her maternal grandfather João de Carvalho and her great-grandparents Father Pedro Álvares and Domingas Gomes and that the said applicant by her father, paternal grandfather and paternal and maternal great-grandparents is without a doubt legitimate and entirely old-christian without a spot or any race of an infected nation, without fame or rumour otherwise, without infamy nor vile sentence of fact or of law; and this is what the witnesses said in the summary of the parish of Saint Peter of Lousa who perfectly knew the father, grandparents and great-granparents and that they were all born and dwellers in that parish and villages; and in the parish of Our Lady of Oliveira of the village of Sobral where the Commission says the maternal grandfather was baptized, I only asked 5 witnesses, because none of them knew nor had any information about him; I went to the village of Lobagueira in the parish of Saint Dominic of Fanga da Fé, and not Saint Isidoro, as the same Commission says and there I asked witnesses, the oldest I could find and 3 of them said they knew the said grandfather João Carvalho and great-grandmother Domingas Gomes, who never married, and all them know the grandfather and great-grandparents Father Pedro Álvares, a dweller in Casal da Pedra, who was the Chaplain of that Church of Our Lady of Encarnação and of the said great-grandmother Domingas Gomes, a dweller in the village of Lobagueira; and searching the baptism record of the said granfatehr João Carbalho in the parish of Our Lady of Oliveira, I did not find any other that can be the one of the said grandfather João Carvalho, but the one I offer and I also searched for it in the parish of Saint Dominic of Fanga da Fé and I did not find it between the year 1638 until the one of 1689 nor in the parish of Sobral, this is the result of all the diligences I did and what I can transmit to Your Lordships who will order what you are served. Mafra, 5th May 1761 The most obedient subject of Your Lordships,Notary José Álvares da Silveira
Perseguição da Inquisição Lisboa Portugal |
Paço dos Estaus / Palácio dos Estaus in Rossio Square, Lisbon. Here was the headquarters of the Portuguese Inquisition. |
Informações de Limpeza de Sangue e Geração de Luís Lopes dos Santos, mestre armador, solteiro, filho de Luís Lopes dos Santos, natural do lugar de Paços de Baixo, Comarca de Guarda, Bispado de Coimbra, morador nesta Cidade de Lisboa. |
A.N.T.T, Habilitações do Santo Ofício, Luís Lopes dos Santos, Maço 25, n.º 474 aço 25, n.º 44 |
Feita Carta em 27 de Abril de 1752
(fl. 1) Tomámos informação com os Comissários Joaquim da Cunha Magalhães, Miguel Mendes e Félix Henriques Vieira a respeito da pureza de Sangue e mais requisitos de Luís Lopes dos Santos que pretende ser Familiar do Santo Ofício, conteúdo e confrontado na petição inclusa que Vossa Senhoria nos manda informar. E nos dizem que o habilitando por si, seus pais e avós é legítimo e inteiro cristão-velho de limpo Sangue e geração, sem fama ou rumor em contrário, e que é solteiro, de bom procedimento, vida e costumes com capacidade para negócios de importância e segredo, sabe ler e escrever, vive limpamente e não consta tenha filhos ilegítimos, nem que ele, ou algum de seus ascendentes incorressem em infâmia pública ou pena vil de feito ou de direito. E nos parece que está em termos de Vossa Senhoria lhe deferir. Vossa Senhoria mandará o que for servido. Lisboa, em Mesa 23 de Dezembro de 1751. Simão José Silveira Lobo Manuel Varejão e Távora Luís Barata de Lima (fl. 2) Diz Luís Lopes dos Santos, mestre armador morador no Largo de Nossa Senhora da Saúde, freguesia de Socorro, natural do lugar de Paços de Baixo, comarca da Guarda, Bispado de Coimbra, que o suplicante deseja servir ao Santo Ofício na ocupação de Familiar, para o que tem os requisitos necessários. Pede a Vossa Majestade seja servido admiti-lo à dita ocupação. Declara o suplicante que é solteiro, e filho de Luís Lopes dos Santos e de Maria Gonçalves, moradores no dito lugar de Paços de Baixo. Neto paterno de Manuel Lopes, que foi lavrador, natural e morador no dito lugar de Paços de Baixo, e de Luísa Rodrigues, solteira, natural da Rua das Povoações da Serra do Caramulo, concelho de Besteiros. Neto materno de Manuel Rodrigues Boino, natural do lugar de Tázem, freguesia de Nossa Senhora do Casal, e de Maria Gonçalves, natural do lugar de Arcozelo, termo da Vila de Gouveia, e moradores que foram no sobredito lugar de Paços de Baixo da comarca da Guarda, Bispado de Coimbra. (fl. 3) Isenção de culpas na Inquisição de Lisboa – Declaração do Notário da Inquisição Alexandre Henriques Arnaut (fl. 4) Isenção de culpas na Inquisição de Évora – Declaração do Notário da Inquisição Gaspar Aranha Vidigal (fl. 5) Isenção de culpas na Inquisição de Coimbra– Declaração do Notário da Inquisição João Maurício Xavier Baptista
Isenção de culpas na Inquisição de Coimbra – |
Declaração do Notário da Inquisição João Maurício Xavier Baptista |
fl. 6) Informações a recolher quanto à capacidade de Luís Lopes dos Santos (fl. 6v.º) Fiz a diligência que Vossas Senhorias foram servidos cometer-me para o que procurei informar-me com as pessoas abaixo nomeadas e achei ser Luís Lopes dos Santos, mestre armador, natural do lugar de Paços de Baixo, comarca da Guarda, Bispado de Coimbra e morador nesta cidade de Lisboa, no Largo da Mouraria, freguesia de Nossa Senhora de Socorro e as pessoas com quem me informei dizem que o habilitando é pessoa de bom procedimento, vida e costumes, capaz de ser encarregado de negócios de importância e segredo, vive limpamente de bom cabedal que tem na sua loja de mestre armador e que possui oito para nove mil cruzados, sabe ler e escrever e representa ter de idade 30 anos pouco mais ou menos, é solteiro e não consta ter filho algum ilegítimo, nem ele nem algum ascendente seu fosse preso nem penitenciado pelo Santo Ofício, nem (fl. 7) nem que incorresse em infâmia alguma. Isto é o que achei. Vossas Senhorias mandarão o que forem servidos. Deus Nosso Senhor guarde a Vossas Senhorias por muitos e dilatados anos. Lisboa, 6 de Novembro de 1751. Reverente súbdito de Vossas Senhorias Comissário Félix Henriques Vieira Gastei nesta diligência meio dia Pessoas com quem me informei O Padre Manuel Rodrigues Tinoco, capelão de Nossa Senhora da Saúde, é da sua terra e tem dele muito conhecimento e de seus pais. Miguel Rodrigues, mestre esparteiro, Familiar do Santo Ofício João Baptista Correia, mestre esparteiro Pedro Dias de Azevedo, mestre esparteiro José Luís Marmeleiro, cirurgião Todos no Largo da Mouraria, defronte de Nossa Senhora da Saúde. (fl. 8) Luís Lopes dos Santos, seus pais e avós paternos e maternos Lugar de Paços de Baixo, comarca da Guarda, Bispado de Coimbra, e as freguesias abaixo declaradas Informações a recolher sobre a limpeza de Sangue do habilitando e seus ascendentes. (fl. 9) (...) por todos uniformemente achei fosse legítimo e inteiro cristão velho, limpo e de limpo sangue e geração, sem raça nem descendência de alguma infecta nação, assim por seus pais e avós paternos e avós maternos, excepto sua avó materna, digo paterna, Luísa Rodrigues, natural do lugar da Rua aonde eu não fui como atrás digo; e que todos são naturais e foram moradores aonde se diz e que todos esses viveram de alguma fazenda e mais da sua indústria do seu trabalho mas que nunca serviram cargos infames nem descende de quem os servisse; e também achei que o avô materno que nesta extra judicial vem por Manuel Rodrigues Boino foi erro, porque não disseram assim, mas era José Fernandes Boino (...). (fl. 10) Luís Lopes dos Santos, sua avó paterna Lugar da Rua das Povoações da Serra do Caramulo, concelho de Besteiros Informações a recolher sobre a limpeza de Sangue de sua avó paterna. (fl. 10v.º) (...) achei que a avó paterna do habilitando Luísa Rodrigues, era filha de uma mulher chamada Maria Rodrigues, solteira, natural e moradora que foi no lugar de Sanfins, pegado ao lugar da Rua, tudo da dita freguesia de Alcofra, concelho de Lafões, do mesmo Bispado de Viseu; e a dita Maria Rodrigues lhe chamavam de alcunha a Mula e teve a dita filha Luísa Rodrigues do Padre Francisco Gouveia, Vigário que foi da dita freguesia de Alcofra, aonde faleceu, e que era natural de (fl. 11) de Paços, junto à Serra da Estrela e que depois de falecer o dito Vigário Francisco de Gouveia, uma irmã deste levara a dita Luísa Rodrigues e avó paterna que se diz ser do habilitando, sendo pequena, para a sua terra de Paços de Serra da Estrela e achei que a dita Luísa Rodrigues, por sua mãe Maria Rodrigues, de alcunha a Mula, era e sempre fora tida, havida e geralmente reputada por legítima e inteira cristã-velha, sem raça nem descendência alguma de infecta nação das reprovadas em Direito contra nossa Santa Fé Católica e que nunca os seus ascendentes foram presos ou penitenciados pelo Santo Ofício, nem concorreram em infâmia alguma pública ou pena vil de facto ou de direito, nem descendem de quem a incorresse. Testemunhas com quem me informei são os seguintes Manuel Rodrigues, do lugar de Cimo de Vila Manuel João, digo Marcos João, natural e morador do mesmo lugar de Cimo de Vil Domingas, natural e moradora do Coval Maria João, viúva que ficou do Capitão Manuel Fernandes, também do Coval Bernardo Marques, viúvo, natural e morador de Cabo de Vila Amaro Simões, casado, das Torres Manuel João, viúvo, natural e morador de São Fins Miguel João, solteiro, filho que ficou de Domingos Simões, natural e morador em São Fins Padre Manuel Marques, Cura de Alcofra (fl. 11v.º) Eliseu de Madureira, natural e morador de Cabo de Vila Todos naturais e moradores os acima nomeados da freguesia de Alcofra, concelho de Lafões, Bispado de Viseu (...). O Comissário Manuel Mendes (fl. 12) Termo de autuação, eleição e juramento Ano do nascimento de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo da era de mil e setecentos e sincoenta e dois anos, aos vinte e oito dias do mês de Fevereiro do dito ano, neste lugar de Paços, nas casas da solita residência do Reverendo Licenciado Estêvão Paes de Almeida, Reitor reservatário da Colegiada de Santa Maria da Alcáçova da Vila de Monto Modorelho (sic) (...) (fl. 13) Luís Lopes dos Santos, seus pais e avós paternos e maternos Lugar de Paços de Baixo, comarca da Guarda, de Tázem e Arcozelo Informações a recolher sobre a limpeza de Sangue do habilitando e seus ascendentes. Elenco de perguntas a realizar às testemunhas. (fl. 17) Termo de assentada 28 de Fevereiro de 1752 – Paços 1ª testemunha – Lourenço Marques, lavrador, natural e morador neste lugar de Paços, testemunha notificada, e jurou nos Evangelhos em que pôs suas mãos e prometeu dizer verdade e guardar segredo; e de sua idade disse ser de sessenta e dois anos, pouco mais ou menos. (...) Ao segundo disse que conhecia muito bem a Luís Lopes dos Santos, natural deste Lugar de Paços aonde se criara e hoje monador digo morador na Cidade de Lisboa para onde fora há mais de vinte anos e tinha ele testemunha notícia que exercitava na dita Cidade o ofício de armador e mais não disse. (fl. 17v.º) Ao terceiro disse também conhecera a Luís Lopes dos Santos, já falecido, que vivera de seu trabalho de (rasgado), natural deste lugar de Paços onde sempre foi morador com sua mulher Maria Gonçalves que ao parecer dela testemunha era natural da freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal, aos quais conhecera estando ainda solteiros e a perdita Maria Gonçalves assistindo em casa de seu tio Manuel Fernandes, no arrabalde da Eira Velha deste lugar, donde casara com o dito Luís Lopes, pai do habilitando, e mais não disse deste. Ao quarto disse também conhecera segundo sua lembrança a Manuel Lopes, que foi lavrador, porém não tinha lembrança conhecer sua mulher Luísa Rodrigues, nem sabia donde fosse natural por vir de fora para este lugar de Paços, donde o dito Manuel Lopes era natural, pais do habilitando o que sabia por assim ser público e notório e conhecer ao dito Manuel Lopes viúvo de sua segunda mulher e sendo já muito velho, e mais não disse. (...) (fl. 18v.º) 2ª testemunha – O Reverendo Padre José Rodrigues Bicho, Sacerdote do Hábito de São Pedro, natural e morador no lugar de Paços, freguesia de São Miguel (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta e cinco anos, pouco mais ou menos. (...) (fl. 19) Ao quinto disse conhecera muito bem por vir a esta terra José Fernandes Boino, natural do lugar de Tázem, freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal e não tinha lembrança conhecesse sua mulher Maria Gonçalves, porém sabia e tinha boa notícia que esta era natural do lugar de Arcozelo, termo da Vila de Gouveia (...) (fl. 20) 3ª testemunha – Caetano Rodrigues Camelo, trabalhador, natural e morador neste lugar de Paços (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta e três anos. (...) Ao terceiro disse conhecera a Luís Lopes do Santos, que vivia de seu trabalho (...) (...) Ao quarto disse conhecera muito bem a Manuel Lopes, que vivia de sua lavoura, natural e morador deste lugar e que tivera notícia de Luísa Rodrigues, chamada de alcunha a Capucha, que se dizia viera do Bispado e comarca de Viseu sendo menina para este lugar de Paços, aonde casara com o dito Manuel Lopes (...) (fl. 21) 4ª testemunha – Manuel Martim Vieira, capitão da ordenança da Vila de Seia, natural e morador neste lugar de Paços (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 22) 5ª testemunha – Domingos Lopes Ramos, que vive de seu trabalho, natural e morador neste lugar de Paços (...)(fl. 22v.º) de sua idade disse ser de sessenta e cinco anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 23v.º) 6ª testemunha – O Reverendo Padre João de Serpe Saraiva, Presbítero do Hábito de São Pedro, natural e morador deste lugar de Paços, freguesia de São Miguel (...) de sua idade disse ser de sessenta e oito anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 24) (...) Ao quarto disse conhecera a Manuel Lopes que fora lavrador natural e morador deste lugar de Paços e tinha boa notícia ouviu dizer a seus pais e irmão o Tenente Manuel de Serpe Saraiva, já falecido e Luísa Rodrigues, sendo de pouco idade viera para esta terra na companhia de uma tia de uma terra das da Serra de Besteiros para este lugar de Paços aonde aquentaram um forno dos pais dele testemunha e nele se criara a dita Luísa Rodrigues até ao tempo em que parira do dito Manuel Lopes (...). (fl. 25) 29 de Fevereiro de 1752 7ª testemunha – Isabel Nunes, solteira, filha de Manuel Nunes, trabalhador, falecido, natural e moradora neste lugar de Paços (...) de sua idade disse ser de sessenta e oito anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 26v.º) 8ª testemunha – Luzia Mendes, viúva de João Rodrigues Saraiva, natural e moradora neste lugar de Paços (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (...) Ao teceiro disse também conhecera a Luís Lopes dos Santos, natural e morador que foi neste lugar que vivia de seu trabalho e a sua mulher Maria Gonçalves, natural do lugar de Tázem, freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal, pais do habilitando e com eles tratara e conversara muitas vezes e mais não disse. Ao quarto disse também conhecera Manuel Lopes Lavrador natural deste lugar (fl. 27) lugar, que vivera de seu trabalho e a Luísa Rodrigues, solteira, que para este lugar veio sendo menina na companhia de uma tia natural que se dizia ser da Serra de Besteiros, comarca e Bispado de Viseu e neste lugar se criara e vivera até falecer, pais do dito Luís Lopes dos Santos e avós paternos do habilitando, porém não sabia de que terra fosse a perdita natural e menos como se chamassem seus pais, bisavós do habilitando, e mais não disse deste. Ao quinto disse não conhecera mas tivera notícia de José Fernandes Boino, natural do lugar de Tázem, freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal e de Maria Gonçalves, natural que se dizia ser do lugar de Arcozelo e moradores que foram neste lugar de Paços, pais da dita Maria Gonçalves, porém não se lembrava com eles ter trato algum e só sim ouviu dizer que eram pessoas pobres, avós maternos do habilitando, e mais não disse deste (fl. 27v.º) 9ª testemunha – Mariana Cardosa de Figueiredo, viúva de António Pinto Monteiro, natural e moradora neste lugar de Paços (...) de sua idade disse ser de noventa e cinco anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 29) 10ª testemunha – Francisco Nogueira da Costa, que vive de suas fazendas, natural e morador deste lugar de Paços (...) de sua idade disse ser de sessenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 30v.º) 11ª testemunha – O Reverendo Manuel de Gouveia Alves, Presbítero do Hábito de São Pedro, natural e moradora neste lugar de Paços (...) de sua idade disse ser de cinquenta e dois anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 31v.º) 12ª testemunha – José Marques Seco, trabalhador, natural e morador neste lugar de Paços (...) de sua idade disse ser de sessenta e três anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 33) 1 de Março de 1752 – No lugar de Tázem, na Capela de São Sebastião 13ª testemunha – Francisco de Abrantes, lavrador, natural e morador neste lugar de Tázem, testemunha notificada que jurou nos Santos Evangelhos e em que pôs suas mãos e prometeu dizer verdade e de sua idade disse de setenta anos pouco mais ou menos e promete guardar segredo. (fl. 34) 14ª testemunha – O Reverendo Padre Pedro de Figueiredo, Sacerdote do Hábito de São Pedro, natural e morador deste lugar de Tázem, freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal (...) de sua idade disse ser de cinquenta e oito anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 35) 15ª testemunha – Ana Maria da Natividade, casada com José Luís, que vive de suas fazendas, natural e moradora do lugar de Vila Nova do Casal (...) (fl. 35v.º)de sua idade disse ser de cinquenta e dois anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 36) 16ª testemunha – O Reverendo António Ferreira Marvão, Presbítero do Hábito de São Pedro, natural e morador no lugar de Vila (fl. 36v.º) de Vila Nova do Casal (...) de sua idade disse ser de cinquenta e sete anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 37) 17ª testemunha – Martinho Ferreiro, viúvo, que vive de suas fazendas, natural e morador neste lugar de Vila Nova do Casal (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta e dois anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 38) 18ª testemunha – Maria Nunes, mulher de Tomé Pais, que vive de sua fazenda, natural e moradora no lugar de Tázem desta freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal (...) de sua idade disse ser de sessenta e cinco anos, pouco mais ou menos. (...) (fl. 38v.º) (...) Ao quinto disse também conhecera a José Fernandes Boino, natural e morador no lugar de Tázem, freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal, que vivia de seu trabalho, o qual era filho de António Fernandes Boino e de Domingas Nunes, do dito lugar de Tázem, desta freguesia de Vila Nova (...) (fl. 39) 19ª testemunha – Maria da Cunha, casada com Matias Fernandes, lavrador, natural e morador no lugar de Tázem desta freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 39v.º) Ao quinto disse conhecera muito bem a José Fernandes Boino, natural do lugar de Tázem, sendo já viúvo de uma Maria Gonçalves, natural do lugar de Arcozelo, termo da Vila de Gouveia, tendo duas filhas Maria, mãe do habilitando e Mariana, e com ele conversara e tratara muitas vezes (...) (fl. 40) 20ª testemunha – Maria de Abrantes Pita, solteira, natural do lugar de Moimenta e moradora no de Tázem, freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal (...) de sua idade disse ser de oitenta anos, pouco mais ou menos e declarou ser filha de Francisco Fernandes, lavrador, naturais e moradores (fl. 40v.º) e moradores que foram neste lugar de Tázem, freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal. (fl. 41) 21ª testemunha – Maria dos Santos, viúva de António Ferrão, torneiro, natural e mora (fl. 41v.º) e moradora do lugar de Táze , freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal (...) de sua idade disse ser de oitenta e cinco anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 42v.º) 22ª testemunha – Luísa Rodrigues, viúva de Francisco Fernandes, trabalhador, natural e moradora do lugar de Tázem (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 43v.º) 23ª testemunha – Maria Martins, viúva de Francisco Ferreira, lavrador, natural e moradora do lugar de Tázem (...) de sua idade disse ser de sessenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 44v.º) 24ª testemunha – Eufémia João, viúva de Pedro Rodrigues, carpinteiro, natural e morado (fl. 45) e moradora do lugar de Tázem (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta e quatro anos, pouco mais ou menos.(...) Ao segundo disse não tinha lembrança conhecera ao habilitando, mas sabe que este e outro irmão seu assistiam na Cidade de Lisboa para onde foram meninos e não sabia que ocupação ou ofício tivesse, e mais não disse. (...) Ao terceiro disse também não tinha lembrança conhecer a Luís Lopes dos Santos mas conhecia muito bem a Maria Gonçalves, pais do habilitando e sabia que foram sempre moradores no lugar de Paços para onde a perdita fora sendo menina para casa de seu tio Manuel Fernandes Boino e ali casara com o pai do habilitando e não que ofício tivesse (fl. 45v.º) tivesse, digo, e não sabia que ofício tivesse e só sim que vivia com sua mulher pobremente (...) (fl. 47) 3/3/1752 – Lugar de Arcozelo da Vila de Gouveia 25ª testemunha – O Reverendo Licenciado Matias Rodrigues, Presbítero do Hábito de São Pedro, natural e morador neste lugar de Arcozelo (...) de sua idade disse ser de sessenta e sete anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 48) 26ª testemunha – Tomé Gonçalves, casado, que vive de sua lavoura, natural e morador neste lugar de Arcozelo (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 48v.º) 27ª testemunha – António Rodrigues Velho, homem viúvo, que foi lavrador, natural e morador neste lugar de Arcozelo (...) (fl. 49) de sua idade disse ser de sessenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 49v.º) 28ª testemunha – Manuel Martins, viúvo, mestre barbeiro, natural e morador neste lugar de Arcozelo (...) de sua idade disse ser de oitenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (tal como os outros, nega conhecer José Fernandes Boino e sua mulher Maria Gonçalves) (...) Ao quinto não conhecera nem tivera notícia de José Fernandes Boino, natural que se diz ser do lugar de Tázem fregue (fl. 50) freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal, nem nunca a tivera de Maria Gonçalves sua mulher, natural que se diz ser deste lugar de Arcozelo (...) (fl. 50v.º) 29ª testemunha – Manuel Gonçalves Passarda, lavrador, natural e morador neste lugar de Arcozelo (...) de sua idade disse ser de sessenta e cinco anos, pouco mais ou menos. (...) Ao quinto disse não tinha lembrança ou notícia alguma de José Fernandes Boino, natural que se diz ser do lugar de Tázem, freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal, porém que sim a tivera de Maria Gonçalves, natural que se diz ser deste lugar de Arcozelo, termo da Vila de Gouveia e avós (fl. 51) e avós maternos do habilitando, e a razão de seu dito é por que para Agosto que virá fará três anos, achando-se ele testemunha em casa do Padre Mateus Borges, do lugar de Tázem, freguesia de Vila Nova do Casal e o Padre Pedro de Figueiredo, do mesmo lugar de Tázem, aí se tratara e conversara sobre a naturalidade da dita Maria Gonçalves e que esta era natural deste lugar de Arcozelo e mais parenta de António Rodrigues das Alfaiatas, que foi Familiar do número do termo desta Vila de Gouveia pela Inquisição de Coimbra (...) (fl. 51v.º) 30ª testemunha – António Gonçalves, que vive de suas fazendas, natural e morador neste lugar de Arcozelo, termo da Vila de Gouveia (...) de sua idade disse ser de cinquenta e dois anos, pouco mais ou menos. (...) se lembrava que havia três para quatro anos pouco mais ou menos que vindo à mão dele testemunha um extrac o da ascendência da dita Maria Gonçalves para a, digo, Gonçalves que deste (fl. 52) lugar fora casar ao de Tázem com um fulano Boino, para neste se informar sobvre a pureza de Sangue da perdita ele testemunha o mostrara a seu pai António Gonçalves, hoje falecido há dois anos com a idade de noventa e nove anos ele lhe respondera que conhecera a perdita Maria Gonçalves e que sobre a pureza de seu Sangue era trigo sem joio pois esta era parenta muito chegada do Licenciado Matias Rodrigues e de António Rodrigues das Alfeatas, hoje falecido, familiar do número que foi neste lugar de Arcozelo (...) (fl. 52v.º) 31ª testemunha – Maria Dias, viúva de António Gonçalves, que vivia de suas fazendas, natural e moradora neste lugar de Arcozelo (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta e quatro anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 53v.º) 32ª testemunha – Isabel Rodrigues de Matias, viúva de Miguel Lopes, natural e morador neste lugar de Arcozelo (...) de sua idade disse ser de oitenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 54v.º) 33ª testemunha – Maria Jorge Ramos, viúva de Manuel de Oliveira, que foi alfaiate, natural e moradora neste lugar de Arcozelo (...) de sua idade disse ser de oitenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 55v.º) 34ª testemunha – Ana Rodrigues das Alfaatas, solteira, natural e morador neste lugar de Arcozelo (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 56) (...) Ao oitavo disse ela testemunha, também descendente da família dos Gonçalves deste lugar, que tivera um irmão inteiro chamado António Rodrigues das Alfaatas, Familiar do Santo Ofício (fl. 56v.º) Ofício pela Inquisição de Coimbra do número neste lugar de Arcozelo e termo da Vila de Gouveia e por o Reverendo Comissário vir no conhecimento de que era parenta dentro do quarto grau com a dita Maria Gonçalves, não só avó mas a mãe do habilitando, não procurou mais artigos (...) 35ª testemunha – Isabel Dias, viúva de António Domingues, natural e moradora deste lugar de Arcozelo (...) de sua idade disse ser de setenta e cinco anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 57v.º) 36ª testemunha – Margarida Saraiva, viúva, natural e morador neste lugar de Arcozelo (...) de sua idade disse ser de noventa anos, pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 60) Lugar da Rua, freguesia de Alcofra, concelho de Lafões Inquirição de generea favor de Luís Lopes dos Santos, por sua avó paterna Ano do nascimento de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo de mil setecentos e cinquenta e dois anos: aos doze de Março do dito ano nesta residência de São João Baptista de Pinho, Bispado de Viseu, e casas da Solita residência do Reverendo Licenciado Francisco Xavier Cardoso, Abade da dita Igreja e Comissário do Santo Ofício Informações a recolher sobre a limpeza de Sangue do habilitando e seus ascendentes. (fl. 67v.º) 3ª testemunha – O Padre Manuel Marques, sacerdote do hábito de São Pedro e Cura desta freguesia de Alcofra, natural do lugar do Espinho e morador no lugar da Rua, tudo desta mesma freguesia (...) de sua idade disse ser de cinquenta e dois anos pouco mais ou menos. (fl. 68) Não conheceu a Luísa Rodrigues, solteira, mas tem tido notícia de muitas pessoas antigas que era natural do lugar da Rua desta dita freguesia de Alcofra e que desta se ausentara sendo menina para as partes da Guarda aonde sempre existiu e juntamente tem notícia e é público que era filha de Maria Rodrigues, a Mula, também natural do dito lugar da Rua, a qual ele conheceu por espaço de mais de dez anos e também filha de um Vigário desta dita freguesia o qual lhe parece se chamava Baltazar de Seixas Pinto, o qual procedia do Bispado da Guarda, para onde se recolheu e levou consigo a dita Luísa Rodrigues, solteira, e pela mesma razão se presumia com evidência ser filha do dito Vigário e não lhe consta que a dita Maria Rodrigues exercitasse ofício mais algum do que o de vendeira do qual vivia e se alimentava, e mais não disse. (fl. 80) (os assentos paroquiais de Alcofra terão ardido em hum incendio q houve na rezidencia da dª Igr.ª) (Processo em muito mau estado de conservação)
Informações da Limpeza de Sangue e geração de Caetana Maria da Assunção; para casar com o Familiar Luís Lopes dos Santos, armador Em 22 de Junho de 1761 foi aviso à Inquisição de Lisboa de estarem aprovadas as diligências.
Diz Luís Lopes dos Santos, Armador e Familiar do Santo Ofício desta |
Inquisição de Lisboa, que ele pretende casar com Caetana Maria da Assunção |
(fl. 1) Ilustríssimos Senhores, Diz Luís Lopes dos Santos, Armador e Familiar do Santo Ofício desta Inquisição de Lisboa, que ele pretende casar com Caetana Maria da Assunção e apara assim o poder fazer Pede a Vossas Senhorias lhe concedam licença, sendo a dita de Sangue puro, e aprovada a sua Limpeza de Sangue por Vossas Senhorias de quem espera a dita faculdade. E requer mercê Declara ser a dita sua esposa de futuro natural e baptizada na freguesia da Madalena desta cidade e moradora na Rua dos Álamos, freguesia de Santa Justa. Filha legítima de Manuel Gomes Lousa, natural do lugar de Montachique, freguesia de São Pedro de Lousa, termo desta cidade, e de sua mulher Teodora Maria, natural da freguesia da Madalena, desta cidade e moradores na Correaria. Neta paterna de Sebastião Gomes, que foi tecelão e sua mulher Antónia Jorge, ambos naturais do dito lugar de Montachique, freguesia de São Pedro de Lousa. E materna de João Carvalho, que foi correeiro que foi filho natural do Padre Pedro Álvares, natural do lugar de Lobaceira da Encarnação, freguesia de Santo Isidoro e baptizado na freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira do Sobral, junto a Freiria, termo de Torres Vedras e de sua mulher Antónia Maria, natural da freguesia da Encarnação desta cidade, moradores na Corriaria. (fl. 1v.º) Declara que Rosa Maria, casada com Marcelino de Azevedo, Familiar do Santo Ofício, é filha de Inês Maria, irmã da avó materna da dita sua esposa. (fl. 2) Isenção de culpas na Inquisição de Lisboa – Declaração do Notário da Inquisição Manuel Francisco Neves (fl. 3) Isenção de culpas na Inquisição de Évora – Declaração do Notário da Inquisição José Loeps de Mira (fl. 4) Isenção de culpas na Inquisição de Coimbra– Declaração do Notário da Inquisição João Correia Xavier (fl. 5) Declaração do Notário da Inquisição de Lisbo Manuel Francisco Neves, confirmando a familiatura de Luís Lopes dos Santos (fl. 6) Declaração do Notário da Inquisição de Lisbo Manuel Francisco Neves, confirmando a familiatura de Marcelino de Azevedo, cutileiro, solteiro, filho de António de Azevedo. (fl. 7v.º) (...) a qual avó foi irmã de Inês Maria, casada com Jorge Esteves Bernardes, latoeiro e mãe de Rosa Maria, mulher de Marcelino de Azevedo, cutileiro e Familiar do Santo Ofício (fl. 11) 1ª testemunha - Luís Rodrigues Cardoso, Familiar do Santo Ofício, mestre do ofício de correeiro da Casa Real (...) ao 3º disse que conheceu a Manuel Gomes Lousa de alcunha o Cabeça, correeiro e a sua mulher Teodora Maria, pais do habilitando (fl. 12) e sabe que ele é natural do sítio da Cabeça de Montachique, freguesia de São Pedro de Lousa, termo da cidade de Lisboa; e ela desta cidade da freguesia de Santa Maria Madalena e depois moradores na Rua dos Álamos, freguesia de Santa Justa (...) Ao 5º disse que conheceu João Carvalho que foi correeiro e sua mulher Antónia Maria, pais de Teodora Maria, mãe da habilitanda e avós maternos da mesma e sabe que ele era natural das partes de Torres Vedras, Patriarcado de Lisboa, e ela era natural da freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Encarnação desta cidade e na mesma foram moradores na Correaria, freguesia da Madalena, desde a era de 1712, por ser o tempo que ele testemunha veio para Lisboa, e sempre foram seus, vizinhos na Correaria. (fl. 13) 2ª testemunha – Teresa Maria, viúva de Francisco da Silva Teixeira, natural da freguesia de Santa Catarina de Monte Sinai desta Cidade e moradora na de Santa Isabel, na Rua Direita da mesma freguesia, de idade que diz ser de mais de oitenta anos (...) (fl. 13v.º) Ao 5º disse que conheceu João Carvalho, que foi correeiro e a sua mulher Antónia Maria, pais da habilitanda e avós maternos da mesma e não sabe donde ele era natural; porém a dita avó era natural da freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Encarnação, desta cidade; os quais foram moradores na Correaria, aonde ela testemunha ia muitas vezes, por ser a dita avó materna enteada dela testemunha, filha de Francisco Rodrigues, que foi seleiro e primeiro marido dela testemunha, o qual morava na freguesia da Encarnação e tinha loja de Seleiro por baixo das Casas de Baltazar Teles Sinel de Cordes e é o bisavô que conheceu, mas não sabe com quem foi casado primeira vez. (fl. 65) Nas freguesias de São Pedro de Lousa, termo da cidade de Lisboa e na de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira do lugar de Sobral e na de São Domingos da Fanga da Fé, termo da Vila de Torres Vedras, perguntadas as testemunhas deste sumário em virtude da Comissão que Vossas Senhorias me cometeram delas consta ser o pai da habilitanda Caetana Maria da Assunção, Manuel Gomes, seus avós paternos Sebastião Gomes e Antónia Jorge e seus bisavós por esta parte outro Sebastião Gomes e João Domingues e Maria Jorge, seu avô materno João de Carvalho e seus bisavós o Padre Pedro Álvares e Domingas Gomes e que a dita habilitanda por seu pai avós e bisavós paternos avô e bisavós maternos é sem dúvida alguma legítima e inteira cristã-velha sem mácula ou raça alguma de nação infecta, sem fama ou rumor em contrário, sem infâmia ou pena vil de feito ou de direito; isto dizem as testemunhas no Sumário na Freguesia de São Pedro de Lousa por conhecerem perfeitamente ao pai, avós e bisavós e terem estes sido todos naturais e moradores naquela freguesia e lugares; e na freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira do lugar do Sobral aonde a comissão diz foi baptizado o avô materno perguntei só 5 testemunhas porque nenhuma conheceu nem teve dele notícia fui ao lugar da Lobagueira, freguesia de São Domingos da Fanga da Fé, e não de Santo Isidoro, como a mesma comissão diz e aí perguntei 8 testemunhas as mais velhas que achei e delas 3 depõem conheceram ao dito avô João Carvalho e bisavó Domingas Gomes, que nunca casou, e todas dão notícia do avô e bisavós o Padre Pedro Álvares, morador no Casal da pedra, que foi Capelão naquela Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Encarnação e da dita bisavó Domingas Gomes, moradora no dito lugar da Lobagueira; e buscando eu o assento de basptismo do dito avô João Carvalho na freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira, não achei outro de que possa julgar ser o dito avô João Carvalho, senão o que ofereço e também o busquei na freguesia de São Domingos da Fanga da Fé e o não achei desde o ano de 1638 até o de 1689 nem também na freguesia do Sobral, isto é o que consta de toda a diligência que fiz e o de que posso informar a Vossas Senhorias que me mandarão o mais que forem servidos. Mafra, 5 de Maio de 1761.Súbdito mais obediente de Vossas Senhorias Notário José Álvares da Silveira
Papa Bento XIV(um Papa universalmente considerado como tendo sido uma grande autoridade em Direito Canônico). Temos um esclarecimento à mão: O julgamento em communicatio in sacris dado pelo Papa Bento XIV em 24 fevereiro de 1752, sessão do Santo Ofício. Foi precisamente: "Communicationem in divinis cum haereticis non posse nec debere tam facile ac tam generaliter pronuntiari in omni penitus circumstantia de iure vetitam." Que significa:"Communicatio in divinis com os hereges não podem e não devem ser tão prontamente e geralmente pronunciada proibidos em absolutamente todas as circunstâncias." |
Verklaring afgegeven door Paus Benedictus XIV in hetzelfde jaar dat Luis Lopes dos Sanctos lid werd van de Heilige Inquisitie van Portugal. Uitleg: Heilige communicatie gegeven door paus Benedictus XIV op 24 februari 1752, zitting van het Heilig Officie. Betekenis: "Communicatie 'in divinis' met ketters kan en mag niet en is meestal absoluut verboden in alle omstandigheden." |
Flying Angel Mourning Victims of the Inquisition - Karl Bryullov. The Portuguese Nation abolished the Portuguese inquisition 20th March 1821 |
family bible / familiebijbel
Within Catholic faith / Vanuit Katholieke geloof
1. Superbia (hoogmoed - hovaardigheid - ijdelheid) 2. Avaritia (hebzucht - gierigheid) 3. Luxuria (onkuisheid - lust - wellust) 4. Invidia (nijd - jaloezie - afgunst) 5. Gula (onmatigheid - gulzigheid - vraatzucht) 6. Ira (woede - toorn - wraak - gramschap) 7. Acedia (gemakzucht - traagheid - luiheid - vadsigheid), afkomstig van het Griekse "ἀκηδία" |
1. Superbia (pride - pride - vanity) 2. Avaritia (greed - avarice) 3. Luxuria (unchastity - lust - lust) 4. Invidia (envy - jealousy - envy) 5. Gula (intemperance - gluttony - gluttony) 6. Ira (anger - wrath - revenge - wrath) 7. Acedia (indolence - slowness - sloth - indolence), from the Greek "ἀκηδία" |
1. Prudentia (Voorzichtigheid - verstandigheid - wijsheid) 2. Iustitia (Rechtvaardigheid - rechtschapenheid) 3. Temperantia (Gematigdheid - matigheid - zelfbeheersing) 4. Fortitudo (Moed - sterkte - vasthoudendheid - standvastigheid - focus) 5. Fides (Geloof), in Latijnse teksten vaak omschreven als Pietas 6. Spes (Hoop) 7. Caritas (Naastenliefde/Liefde - liefdadigheid) |
1. Prudentia (Caution - Wisdom - Wisdom) 2. Iustitia (Justice - righteousness) 3. Temperantia (Temperance - moderation - self-control) 4. Fortitudo (Courage - strength - tenacity - constancy - focus) 5. Fides (Faith), often described in Latin texts as Pietas 6. Spes (Hope) 7. Caritas (Charity / Love - charity) |