Deze verzameling FAMILIE VERHALEN betreft een aaneenschakeling van geordende gedenkwaardige en/of historische feiten die de levens van de familie van de Probandus Marnix Alexander de Paula Lopes hebben gekenmerkt. Links in het kader kunt u klikken op sleutelwoorden om het betreffende artikel te bekijken. Het geheel is onderverdeeld in een tweetal hoofdgroepen om de artikelen beter te catalogiseren. |
This FAMILY SAGA is a genre of literature which chronicles the lives and doings of the family of the Probandus Marnix Alexander de Paula Lopes or a number of related or interconnected families over a period of time, used to portray particular historical events, changes of social circumstances. This family saga is made up of an accumulation of separate family legends. These are the stories of the old folks and the old times that are told among the family. Some of these are the “remember-when” stories the family tells about the time when the grownups were children. Others are stories that have a historical context.
Within the frame to the left you can see the different topics. By clicking the keywords you can read the articles. There are two groups of stories so that it is easier to catalogue them.